Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am humbled and inspired to introduce you to our new website created for the historic July 17, 2019 dedication of Christ Cathedral. I’m hopeful that you will join me in learning about the history of Crystal Cathedral and its remarkable transformation into Christ Cathedral, the new hub of Catholic worship in Orange County.
Christ Cathedral reflects the faith and devotion of all the people of our Diocese and serves as a beacon of hope for those who visit in pilgrimage here, and who through God’s providence and guidance are drawn here by many circumstances!
I’d like to thank everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey, including the architects and engineers who have developed the plans to transform the cathedral and grounds. Thanks, too, to the hundreds of electricians, tradesmen, engineers, and construction workers who made this transformation a reality. The ability and vision to come together and make this a reality is truly the working of the Lord.
I am deeply grateful to the many Catholics, and all of other Faith traditions, who passionately and freely gave their time and personal resources in support of our efforts. From the first planning meetings to our celebration event, you helped make history happen. We are thankful to the artists who created the sacred art that graces our cathedral and grounds, the children who prayed for the cathedral’s success in their Catholic school classrooms, and the parishioners throughout Orange County who kept our intentions in their hearts.
Every one of us has something to celebrate during and beyond the dedication of Christ Cathedral. Thanks to all of you. And welcome, pilgrims of all faith traditions, to this place of worship that has such a special place in our hearts and history!
Most of all, we thank God for this extraordinary opportunity. Those of us who followed the Rev. Robert H. Schuller’s “Hour of Power” and studied his philosophy of positive thinking, know well how significant the Crystal Cathedral has always been to Christians worldwide. I well remember how my grandparents would see him on television from this campus, as well as Archbishop Sheen, and how indeed the two of them were good friends! How fortunate and blessed the Catholic Church is to rededicate Christ Cathedral to the values, beliefs, and ethics that were integral to Rev. Schuller’s work, and to go forward to undertake the great transformation of this amazing building and beautiful grounds to a true center for Catholic worship in the Western United States and beyond!
We welcome this marvelous opportunity to share our beautiful Catholic faith with all who visit here and share and live the story of a Cathedral as a place of unity, beauty and worship to welcome and draw the Catholic community and others together: in a similar way as Bernini’s colonnades at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome welcome and draw the whole world together in their embrace! As I remember mentioning in one of my early videos for this endeavor to “find a place of welcome and respite in the city,” and thus to find God!”
As we have just finished the Paschal season with the great feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit, with great thankfulness and true elation, and in praise of the love of God in Christ Jesus, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ.
Bishop Kevin W. Vann